New Book on Gnostic Themes..

The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle

by Karen L. King

Karen L.King, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard Divinity School – have contributed in the field of Gnostic studies especially as it pertains to the role of women, feminity and gender symbolism with her – Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism . It is only natural that, following the “lead” of Jean-Yves LeLoup`s The Gospel of Mary Magdalene , she takes on this cryptic writing from the earliest Gnostic Christian traditions. You can find one of the earlier translations of the Gospel of Mary in the Gnostic Society Virtual Library… Anyways, Im sure I will pick up both her new book, which is the most recent – and Jean Yves LeLoup`s, which is in the bookshelf at the Bruchion Centre (our Chapel).