Springtime Flu

I have been knocked out by influenza and haven’t been able to attend the Easter services at the Chapel. I have been able to observe my lent fast, though..despite all other infirmities.

My thoughts have been all over the place, in front of me there is a rather stressfull period of mock exams until the real going from the end of April all the way to July. 6 in all. And that is only the first semester. I have been reading a lot, mostly Recent History, English curriculum and Norwegian (mainly Literary History from medieval times until today..its a hoot, I promise you)..precious little time to sit down in front of the computer and jot down some lines on the Blog.

Oh well, Im sure I’ll get a chance a little later. In the meantime, March marches out of view. On the plus side spring is finally catching hold with some sunshine and disappearing ice and snow.

On March 16th we had a service for the Cathar Martyrs at Montsegur and I suppose I will get better so I can attend Low Sunday service next Sunday.