New Books on the Gnosis

New Books on the theme of Gnosticism:

Elaine Pagels, the author of one of the most popular accounts on the ancient gnostics;
The Gnostic Gospels have recently published a brand new book,
Beyond Belief:The Secret Gospel of Thomas.

Around the same time, Karen L.King has published what might be yet another primer (introduction) to the phenomenon of ancient Gnosticism; What is Gnosticism?.

Other Books

Kurt Rudolph:

Gnosis:The Nature and History of Gnosticism. An almost encyclopedic account of the Nature and History

of Gnosticism. Like Elaine Pagel`s The Gnostic Gospels, it is fair to say that it is a popularizing and easily accessible book about

the Gnostics, somewhat fuller in detail. Detail and breadth which this book offers us, isn`t everything.

Stephan Hoeller, who just happens to be the Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica, a contemporary Gnostic Christian denomination, have also let publish another book during 2002, so it is relatively “recent”,Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing All, in all – there`s three books I feel obliged to read this coming summer.