Books Online

Since I got myself “online” , Internet has been my second bookshelf.

There really are thousands of books available in digital format , so-called etexts/eBooks – but it is not always easy to find material – so I thought

I would share some resources I personally use a lot.

First of all, Project Gutenberg has survived 31 years, since it was begun

in 1971 when Michael Hart began scanning manuscripts into electronic

text format.. since then it has pioneered the literary history of the Internet,

enlightening thousands of students with internet access but no fat wallets.

Gutenberg delivers literary classics held to be within the “Public Domain” after international standards of intellectual property law, therefore not every book you are likely to find in a “real life” library. The formats range from plain 8-bit ascii text which all desktop computers can process, to newer formats for diverse mediums, includding Pocket PC`s etc.

The Online Books page

is one such resource, in all my surfing on the Net I haven`t found any site

so comprehensive… The New Listings is interesting for anyone who have already made themselves acquianted with what is available in the main Index.

As you might suspect, I am interested in the diversity of religious

and philosophical ideas, not only in terms of history, but also throughout

geography and culture.. A good place to start in order to find general

and specialized material is The Internet Sacred Text Archive

A specific Christian literature site can be found at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.

The more heretically inclined could always surf down to

The Gnostic Society Virtual Library… or to the Alchemy Virtual Library