On the 2nd August, two years ago, I was ordained a Deacon for Ecclesia Gnostica at the Capella Santa Sophia in Oslo, by Bishop Stephan Hoeller, in ecclesia Tau Stephanus.
It is now also ten years ago since I met Revd.Jan Valentin Saether, discovering a fellow Gnostic who had found a means to continue in the Gnosis in periods of trial and the problems offered up by every-day life. Since that time we have been able to celebrate Mass together, wherein I gradually took upon myself increasing responsibilities and tasks with the ministry.
I have much to be grateful to him for, by way of friendship, assistance, inspiration and spiritual guidance. Approaching this year is another phase in my commitment to, and affiliation with, the Gnostic Ekklesia – in its specific manifestation in the Ecclesia Gnostica.
As I feel myself called to service at the Altar, as a con-celebration with Christ, with the guidance of the Most Holy Spirit, I hope and pray that I will prove more worthy of this mysterious grace this coming year of service. The Gnosis is lived, after all, and the spaces it fill, is that between human souls.
Pax Pleromae, brothers and sisters in the Gnosis.