Welcome to the Blogroll, Jacob and Teresa

Back in the days, when I were a wild eyed fanatic, freshly emerged from a hermit-like situation with regards to orientation, attitude and reading – I knew two special people who shared my passion for all things Gnostic, Mystical and obscure: Jacob and Teresa.

Jacob arrived first.Jacob is a rock musician and composer of some artistic skill and integrity studying comparative religion at the University of Oslo when we first met. He had just finished a study of the mystical philosophy of Plotin which he had prefaced with a quote from British rock band The Police‘s undying classic Spirits in the Material World, he had also finished the first of by now four albums with his progressive (really, implacable – but thats what Proggrock means to most, after all) rock group White Willow, Ignis Fatuus. Which were followed five years later with a rivetingly beautiful Ex Tenebris, and my favourite Sacrament.

Last year they released Storm Season, I am a bit ashamed to announce I have not been able to get hold of it.

This year White Willow will record their 5th studio album.

I suspect Jacob’s approach has been more eclectic and Hermetic oriented than mine all along, in many ways he has more strings, more references than I can dream of acquiring with regards to the in and outs of our Western culture and its always active spiritual undercurrents. It has something to do with the curiousity and intensity of attention and passion which is inalienably connected with the calling of the artist.

Jacob and Teresa married in 1997 and celebrated with a Gnostic Wedding service at Jacob’s home in Asker, held by Reverend Father Jan Valentin Saether. I was privileged to both be a guest and assist during the ceremony.

Now they are busy parents expectant of no.2 (a daughter, so they have a matching set soon), with a son of 18 months and some.

Teresa is an artist as well, and like her husband, a poetic soul. Its good to see old friends again, even though its just on the net presently.

Some Gnostic bloggers (+related) added

I have neglected updating the blogroll somewhat… the rediscovery of Lesa’s great research at The Magdalene Review were a great thrill.

Another old blogging acquiantance of mine, Dan, has performed a successful resurrection (reformulation) of

his Taognostic weblog.

Rev.B has a blog out there, where he recently mused about the “recent explosion of Gnosis in the world”…I am also grateful there is such a profound increase of testimonies, discussions and sharing among Gnosis oriented people here on the Internet, I saw it coming already in 1994 when I logged on and discovered a great many people I never expected to find there, and a great deal of really lucid information on the subject. Welcome aboard, Voodoobilly.. 🙂

The Gnostic Agnostic.. is a rather quiant concept, from my vantage point its a surface paradox, like the injunction to “keep two thoughts in our mind at the same time”… the blog, however, is really well written and thoughtprovoking.

Another really good read I feel I should mention in the same breath is The Funeral of the Real

Pauline Kilear’s blog Dodging Invisible Rays is also worth a read.

Not alone as a Gnostic Blogger in Europe, in Scotland there’s a blogger who goes by the nickname of A Glasgow Gnostic..

John Dart on the Gospel of Judas discovery

Many of us are familiar with the work of Professor John Dart with regards to Gnosticism and Early Christianity (for instance the books Jesus of Heresy, and The Laughing Saviour), but some of us were not aware that he is the editor of the conservative journal Christian Century. In a recent issue of the online version of Christian Century he muses over the news about the awaited publication of the much myth-spun Gospel of Judas (Iscariot) early this year.

In the article, John Dart reports that:

“in 2004, Rodolphe Kasser of the University of Geneva announced in Paris that by the end of 2005 he would be publishing translations of the Coptic-language version of the Gospel of Judas. As it turned out, the owner was a Swiss foundation, and the torn and tattered papyrus text had been hawked to potential buyers in North America and Europe for decades after it was found at Muhazafat Al Minya in Middle Egypt.

The “Judas” saga was confirmed in detail last month at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Philadelphia. Retired Claremont Graduate University professor James Robinson, general editor of the English edition of the Nag Hammadi Library, said he was first contacted in 1983 about negotiations to buy certain texts, including the Gospel of Judas. Many years later, he saw blurry photographs of part of the text.

Robinson said that early in November he learned that Kasser and several European, Canadian and U.S. scholars had signed agreements with the National Geographic Society to assist with a documentary film and a National Geographic article for an Easter 2006 release and a succession of three books.”

That does sound promising.

However, with every right, Professor James Robinson, who has had a prominent role in the publication of the Nag Hammadi Library (and with him John Dart) object to the continued secrecy surrounding the nature of the find. National Geographic has evidently bought the publishing rights, and plans to make a documentary, article and several books out of it. No doubt made even more timely (and profitable) with the release of the Hollywood production of the Sony Pictures Movie based on Dan Brown‘s bestseller pulp fiction novel The Da Vinci Code in the new year. It might just be me, but I have a feeling that this time around, aside from political (the Palestinian and Egyptian crises in the Post-WWII era) – crass commercialism and marketability has caused serious problems for the Academic community (I recently read a rather well-written thriller which unfortunately was released anew with the blurb “The Norwegian DaVinci Code”, Sirkelens Ende, by Norwegian genre writer Tom Egeland – which intuitively brushed the possibility with regards to future finds of “Early Christianity” interest).. but there is other things to consider also. According to our friend the Dutch antiquities dealer, Michael Van Rijns, the Gospel of Judas and the Coptic papyri Codex it was contained in, where held “hostage” by the “International” organization The Macaeanas Foundation, wherein also rather dodgy Middle Eastern black market tricksters and profiteers were involved, wherein the publishing rights were asked consisted of millions of dollars and maximum discretion clauses, unacceptable (until now?) for the Academic community to even consider. How long the Codex in question has been in circulation,what condition it is in and what it contains remains a guarded secret, while its existence is broadcasted all over the place, even by yours truly. It merits some consideration that Old Media has a tendency of making an Amazonan rainforest out of a single leaf, while the new Media, Internet has the potentional of making the story even bigger. In view of that, John Dart’s lucid commentary has merit, no matter which side of orthodox definitions of Christianity we belong to.

He pitches in:

“Hardly anything is known about the document’s contents “other than a few personages” it names, said Robinson, identifying them as the mythological figure Allogenes (literally, “the stranger”) known from some Nag Hammadi texts, and Satan, Jesus and Judas.”

That is true, for sure. I have seen the handwritten notes and temporal attempts at translation, wherein Samael and Allogenes is mentioned and which clearly broadcasts a possible affinity with the Sethian Gnostic sects of upper Egypt which is the major contributor to the Gnostic texts we know from the Nag Hammadi find, rather than the Churchfather Ireneaus of Lyons identification of the Cainities as the possessors and possible fabricators of a Gospel of Judas Iscariot. It is sobering to consider that quite a few theologians argued that Ireneaus must have meant the Gospel of Judas (Thomas), and quite a few rather stubborn and religiohistorically completely ignorant conservative theologians still hold to that theory…but I have mentioned that business before, and the translated fraqments is available for our reading pleasure and stilling our curiosity for now, on www.tertullian.org

Blogroll update

Finally Gnostics blogging is a deserved category for my blogroll. I am very happy to see Reverend Father Troy Pierce, of Ecclesia Gnostica in Salt Lake City onboard. with his blog The Path of Gnosis From what I have read so far,it looks very promising. I just love to get a handle on more perspectives and approaches, especially within my “own” Church tradition, and there are quite a variety of those. I was fortunate to meet Reverend Father Lance Owens of Ecclesia Gnostica SLC when Bishop Stephan Hoeller visited us and ordained me a Deacon, I felt it was quite a privilege. I heard many good things about Troy, who at that time was a Deacon like me. I am also very excited about the Gnostic Calendar that he has worked on and finally published, me and Reverend Father Jan Valentin Saether has been discussing the possibility of making something like it for years, but as with a lot of other things it never went past planning stage. There are some sobering posts about the issue of freedom and liberation, from a Gnostic perspective, in lieu of Epiphany, on his weblog right now, so if I was you I would go and take a look.

Added to the Blogroll is also Marsha‘s blog Emerald City Gnosis.She is a member of the Seattle, Washington parish of Ecclesia Gnostica, ministered to by Reverend Father Sam Osborne . I just discovered she has a secondary blog, Rain City Gnosis, so im going to check it out later.

Also, check out Coe”s Gnostic related blog Enormous Fictions, added a bit late to my Blogroll.

Lastly, I think I should mention Jeremy‘s brainchild The Palm Tree Garden online Gnostic community. In some sense I have been member of different “online” communities with a Gnostic theme since I began using the Internet in 1994. One of the most interesting ones where an experiment that Lee Irwin organized, the “bark” Hermetica, where every participant attempted to get personal and creative about spiritual and philosophical matters that mattered to them. I see some semblance to that in the forum for the Palm Tree Garden now, and I hope I will find time to participate in the discussions and other activities myself.

Back again ….

I am beginning to suspect I am neglecting this blog. Since last I wrote, I am a married man. We had a short but dignified ceremony at the Civil Court in Oslo, and a trip to Gran Canaria with my parents. Atfter that I have been busy trying to find a job, it looks like I am going to get a position at a Library nearby and work until autumn.

Maths exam didn’t go as I hope it would, so I need to get another.

Hope everyone has had a swell holiday season.

A bit slow posting, and some good news

Almost three months since last post. Thought I should tell my friends, and other readers of this blog that I am currently doing final exams, qualifying me for studies in Library and Information Studies at the University College of Oslo, it is going very well – but it takes basically all my time.

On Friday the 9th December we (me and my fiancee May) will celebrate ourselves (5 years together) and marry at the Civil court in Oslo, I hope for good weather and good cheer. The original plan were to do it next summer, but when things are going so well, why wait any more?

From January onwards to August the plan is to get a job in a library, collection or archive somewhere in the vicinity.

Last exam is on Monday the 5th December, the one I have dreaded the most due to complexes I contracted early on in my education – Maths, but I feel I shall do better than I have done ever before with the topic.

Not sure how much posting I will be able to do after this, but will at least try to catch up with some correspondence and reply to comments.

Discovery of Coptic manuscripts at Al-Gurna,Egypt

Al-Ahram Online featured in February a brief report on the newly discovered Coptic codexes by a Polish archeological expedition from the Polish Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology.

Leader of the expedition,professor Tomaz Gorecki, said they had found a trove of three ancient codexes in Coptic buried under the remains of a sixth-century monastery located in front of a Middle Kingdom tomb. The Egyptian journalist concluding the article enthusiastically reported that it might parallel or even excel the importance of the Nag Hammadi find, additionally everyone appears to expect that the find will unravel some more information about the practices of the early Christians in Egypt, and that the documents originate from the Gnostics. As both contemporary and later patristic treatment of the Alexandrian school of Christians indicate, there were quite a variation among them. With the Bruce Codex, Berlin Codex , Oxyrhynchus fragments and Nag Hammadi library, certainly, a presedence for “underground”, hidden, secret Christians being Gnostic in orientation seems to be laid. If, however, the Coptic writings recently discovered, do indeed originate from the Seventh century we have an additional advantage; we might get to learn about the type of Christian practices which existed at the time of Mohammed‘s arrival in Egypt, the practices of Christians during the Fatimid dynasty – from their own hand.

However, the description of some page fragments having centered geometrical designs, and the use of the Cross as a matrix for text – reminds me of the Coptic Gnostic scripture The Books of Ieou.I will try to dig up more about this find, and perhaps, the other one which has been dubbed “Dead Sea Scrolls 2”.

It’s also interesting to see such news of major archeological finds of this period of time (70BC-400CE) come so close to eachother. This was the case with the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Coptic Gnostic library at Nag Hammadi.